9주차 Embedding 평가 방법NAVER AI TECH 2023. 5. 3. 11:24
Embedding이 잘 되었는지 어떻게 확인할 수 있을까? 두 가지 방법이 있다.
1.Human-annotated similarity scores를 사용한다
- WordSim-353, SimLex-999, MEN과 같은 Human-annotated similarity scores data가 있다.
- 다음은 WordSim-353 data 일부를 발췌한 것이다.
# i = identical tokens
# s = synonym (at least in one meaning of each)
# a = antonyms (at least in one meaning of each)
# h = first is hyponym of second (at least in one meaning of each)
# H = first is hyperonym of second (at least in one meaning of each)
# S = sibling terms (terms with a common hyperonymy)
# m = first is part of the second one (at least in one meaning of each)
# M = second is part of the first one (at least in one meaning of each)
# t = topically related, but none of the above
Word1 Word2 Human(mean) t love sex 6.77 h tiger cat 7.35 i tiger tiger 10.00 t book paper 7.46 M computer keyboard 7.62 t computer internet 7.58 - 두 단어의 Embedded vectors 간 cosine similarity를 계산한다.
(ex. cosine similarity between embedded vecotor love and embedded vector sex) - cosine similarity score와 human-annotated similarity score 간의 Spearman's correlation을 계산한다.
2. analogy test를 활용한다.
- analogy test의 예시는 다음과 같다.
- "man is to woman as king is to ___"
- 과제는 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 채워넣는 것이다.
- accuracy가 높을 수록 Language Model 혹은 Word Embedding의 성능이 좋다고 할 수 있다.
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